Voicemail to email is free
All voicemail messages sent directly to your email – multiple addresses supported!
Daily operator report
Live operator call records faxed or emailed daily.
Recorded Information
Callers are given options to hear special recordings, such as leasing and property information.
Callers may press a key to hear all greetings and prompts in Spanish. This includes access to Spanish-friendly operators for emergency calls.
Voicemail transcription
All voicemail messages transcribed into text.
Call patching
Our operators will bridge calls between your staff and residents.
Extra voice mailbox
Callers may leave separate voice messages (for example, a sub-property or a specific individual).
Extra call transfer
Callers may transfer to an outside line, such as an off-site leasing service or on-call leasing agent.
Extra selectable main greetings
Add additional, alternate main greetings, which can be selectively enabled (for example, one greeting with summer hours, one with winter hours).